jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020


https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/star-wars-anakins-speedway.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/star-wars-droidworks.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/star-wars-episode-i-gungan-frontier.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/star-wars-episode-i-phantom-menace.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/star-wars-making-magic.html

So, I finally got round to seeing Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Despite the naysayers, it remains a cinematic tour de force so what better way to celebrate than a trove of classic Star Wars games. The short-lived sub-division of Lucas Learning gave us some obscure titles. Learn about physics and momentum in the Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway (1999). Then learn the same thing but with robots in the far superior action-puzzler Star Wars: DroidWorks (1998). Test your biology skills in the Sim-Life a-like strategy game Star Wars: Episode I - The Gungan Frontier (1999). Want a little less learning? Why not try the official tie-in to Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)? Lastly, travel back to a time before the special editions and get your very first look at them in Star Wars: Making Magic (1996)!

Enjoy! And I'll see you in the new year!

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[Hackaday] Homemade N95 Masks In A Time Of Shortage

Homemade N95 Masks In A Time of Shortage

SuperStarfighter, A Local Multiplayer Game Made With Godot

Looks like FOSS game development with Godot is a breeze :)
SuperStarfighter is a fast-paced local party game for up to 4 players. Outmaneuver and shoot your opponents in a 2d top-down arena, and become an intergalactic champion!

Get it on Itch.io or find the source code here.

Hat-tip to GoL.

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