lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Ettercap: Man In The Middle (MITM)

"Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis." read more...


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7 Types of hacker 

1-Script Kiddies-They are  just download overused software & watch youtube video on how to use it. Script kiddies don't care about hacking.

2-White Hat-They are the good guys of the hacker world. They also known as Ethical Hacker.

3-Black Hat-They finds bank or other companies with weak security and steal money or credit card information. They also known as cracker. They are dangerous because they are illegal to gain unauthorized access.

4-Gray Hat-They don't steal money or information sometimes they deface a website or they don't help people for good.

5-Green Hat-These are the hacker "noobz" but unlike Script Kiddies.They care about Hacking  and strive to become full-blown hacker.

6-Red Hat-These are the vigilantes of the hacker world. They are like White Hats in that they halt Black Hats but these folks are downright SCARY to those who have ever tried so much as penetrest.

7-Blue Hat-If a Script Kiddy took revenge he/she might become a Blue Hat.Most Blue Hats are noobz.They have no desire to learn.

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How To Install And Run Backtrack On Android

Guide you step by step to How to install and run Backtrack on android. As the Backtrack is also available with ARM architecture which makes it possible to run Backtrack on an ARM machine such as mobiles or tablets.
Recently, We are discussed Install and Run BackTrack on Windows. Android is the best OS for penetration testing. It designed for digital forensics and penetration testing or hacking tool. It comes with many more updated tools. As the Backtrack is also available with ARM architecture which makes it possible to run Backtrack on an ARM machine such as mobiles or tablets.
How To Install and Run Backtrack On AndroidRequirements
Step to Install and Run Backtrack On Android:
First of all extract the BT5-GNOME-ARM.7z. and copy the "BT5" folder and then put in your phone's root directory. Here mine phone is /sdcard. The root directory is different for different mobile devices.
  • Now install all the above apps BusyboxAndroid TerminalAndroid Vnc.
  • After installing BusyBox application open it and wait until it finishes loading and then click on Smart install.
  • Now open the android terminal and type the following command:
    su cd /sdcard/BT5sh bootbtNOTE :- When you type su in terminal it will ask you for superuser request and you have to tap on Grant.
  • After this, type the following commands in terminal.
    export USER=rootvncpasswd
  • After entering vncpasswd the terminal will ask you to enter the password. Enter the desired password and hit enter.
  • Now type the following commands.
    tightvncserver -geometry 1280×720
  • The terminal emulator will create the localhost to connect it to VNC server. Now note the localhost port marked red below. Now minimize the terminal emulator.
  • Open the Android VNC and type the following settings.
Nickname : BT5
Password : your password here which you entered in terminal (step no.6)
Address : localhost
Port : 5906
NOTE: Make sure that your localhost's port matches with terminal's localhost. Here mine New 'X' desktop is localhost:6. You may be different. So, in VNC type Port 590X where the "X" is the localhost in the android terminal.
That's it now just tap on connect to run the Backtrack on your android. So in this way you successfully install and run backtrack 5 on android. If you face any problem feel free to discuss in below comments!

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Web-fu - The Ultimate Web Hacking Chrome Extension

Web-fu Is a web hacking tool focused on discovering and exploiting web vulnerabilitites.


This tool has many advantages, as a browser-embedded webhacking tool, is very useful for scanning browser-authenticated applications, if browser can authenticate and access to the web application, the tool also can. Note that some other tools do not support neither certificate authentication nor web vpn accesses.
The integration with chrome, provides a more comfortable and agile way of web-hacking, and you have all the application data loaded on the hacking tool, you don't need to copy the url, cookies, etc. to the tool, just right click and hack.
The browser rendering engine is also used in this tool, to draw the html of the responses.


When I coded this tool, I was obsessed with false positives, which is the main problem in all detection tools.  I have implemented a gauss algorithm, to reduce the faslse positives automatically which works very very well, and save a lot of time to the pentester.


 Here is a video, with some of the web-fu functionalitites:


This tool has a visual crawler. Normal crawlers doesn't parse the ajvascript, this tool does. The visual crawler loads each link of the web site, rendering the html and executing all the javascript as a normal load, then the links are processed from he DOM and clicked.
A visual form cracker, is also available, althow is experimental and only works on some kind of forms.


The web-fu's portscanner, has a database of a common web ports, like 80,81,8080 and so on.
The cracker module, can bruteforce web directories to find new attack vectors, and can fuzz get and post parameters for discovering vulns, and also crack passwords. There are 9 preloaded wordlists, and you can also load a custom wordlist. Prefilters, falsepositive reductor and render will be helpful. The scanners support SSL, if the website can be loaded in the chrome, can be scanned by web-fu.


The supported encoders and decoders are: base64, urlescape and urlencode


A web notepad is available, saving the information on the browser localStorage, there is one notepad per site. A cookie editor is also very useful for pentesting. The inteceptor, is like a web proxy but from the inside of the browser, you can intercept a request There is also a session locker and a exploit web search.

Here is the link to the chrome store, the prize is about one euro, very cheap if you compare with other scanners: Web-Fu on Chrome Store

 With webfu, you will do the best web site pentest and vulnerability assessment.

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